- Star Wars: The Last Jedi (1080p HD) [星球大战8:最后的绝地武士] (19篇回复)
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (1080p HD) [星球大战7:原力觉醒] (22篇回复)
- Star Wars: The Digital Movie Collection (1080p HD) [星球大战 六部合集] (19篇回复)
- Inception (1080p HD) [盗梦空间] (14篇回复)
- Fantastic Beasts 2-Film Collection (1080p HD) [神奇动物 两部合集] (3篇回复)
- Up (1080p HD) [飞屋环游记] (13篇回复)
- Harry Potter Complete Collection (1080p HD) - iTunes Extras [哈利·波特 八部全集 + 花絮] (41篇回复)
- Kingdom of Heaven (Roadshow Director's Cut) (1080p HD) [天国王朝 导演剪辑版] (7篇回复)
- The Lord of the Rings: Extended Editions Bundle (1080p HD) - iTunes Extras (17篇回复)
- The Help (1080p HD) + iTunes Extras [相助] (5篇回复)
- Molly’s Game (1080p HD) [茉莉牌局] (8篇回复)
- The Wrecking Crew (1080p HD) [勇破迷魂阵] (1篇回复)
- The Ambushers (1080p HD) [超级情报员麦汉] (1篇回复)
- Murderer’s Row (1080p HD) [超级情报员麦汉续集] (1篇回复)
- The Silencers (1080p HD) [超级情报员麦汉] (1篇回复)
- Frozen (1080p HD) [冰雪奇缘] (11篇回复)
- A Walk In the Clouds (1080p HD) [云中漫步] (6篇回复)
- Enough Said (1080p HD) - iTunes Extras [无须多言 + 花絮] (4篇回复)
- Pay It Forward (1080p HD) [让爱传出去] (3篇回复)
- Larry Crowne (1080p HD) [拉里·克劳] (3篇回复)