jason 发表于 2019-4-5 16:36:46

About Primus
Primus is all about Les Claypool; there isn't a moment on any of their records where his bass isn't the main focal point of the music, with his vocals acting as a bizarre sideshow. Which isn't to deny guitarist Larry LaLonde or drummer Tim "Herb" Alexander any credit; no drummer could weave in and around Claypool's convoluted patterns as effortlessly as Alexander, and few guitarists would willingly push the spotlight away like LaLonde does, just to produce a never-ending spiral of avant noise. All of this means that they are miles away from being another punk-funk combo like the Red Hot Chili Peppers; Claypool may slap and pop his bass, but there is little funk in the rhythm he and Alexander lay down. Instead, they're a post-punk Rush spiked with the sensibility and humor of Frank Zappa. Primus' songs are secondary to showcasing their instrumental prowess. Their music is willfully weird and experimental, yet it's not alienating; the band was able to turn its goofy weirdness into pop stardom. At first, Primus were strictly an underground phenomenon, but in the years between their third and fourth albums, their cult grew rapidly. Released in 1991, Sailing the Seas of Cheese went gold shortly before the release of Pork Soda. By the time of the album's 1993 release, Primus had enough devoted fans to make Pork Soda debut in the Top Ten.

Albums list:
Primus - Green Naugahyde
Primus - Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Primus - Tales from the Punchbowl
Primus - The Desaturating Seven (Mastered)
Primus - They Can't All Be Zingers (Bonus Track Version)
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arfongs 发表于 2019-4-12 07:47:13


imyourboss 发表于 2019-5-7 06:10:11


Kamus 发表于 2019-6-17 01:01:13

thank you

gothy_kendoll_9 发表于 2020-7-15 04:32:34

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查看完整版本: Primus - 5 Albums