jason 发表于 2020-5-2 00:28:29

  這個暑假 青澀夏日戀情的最佳愛情配樂
  Modern Tragedy摩登悲劇
  Joanna Wang王若琳
  2018 全新英文創作專輯
1. Modern Tragedy Prologue 摩登悲劇序幕
2. Good Girls Don't Cry 好女孩不哭
3. Sabrina Tape Super Speed 莎賓娜卡帶快轉
4. I Must've Screwed Up Really Bad 我一定是真的搞砸了
5. It's Raining But You're Not Here 現在正在下雨,但是你不在
6. If You Say Come On To Me如果你對我說「來吧」的話
7. Now That Life is Trouble Free ‘cause I`m Finally on T.V. 現在人生無憂無慮了因為我終於上電視了
8. Please Don't You Know What Time It Is? 拜託! 你難道不知道現在幾點嗎?
9. The Etiquette of Handing Scissors and Knives遞剪刀與刀子的禮儀
10. The Motorized Scooter Edo騎著電動滑行車的葉豆老師
11. I Cannot Wait to Fall in Love (Dish Washer) 我迫不及待戀愛
12. Summer 夏天
13. I Dream We Will Be Together Again我夢想有一天還會見到你
14. Chief`s Song 酋長之歌
15. He's Weeping Gently on a Hill他在山丘上輕輕的哭泣
16. Magical Starry Night Palm Trees Waves Song Picture 夜晚星空棕櫚樹海浪旋律圖片
17. Goodbye再見
18. Sabrina Don't Get Married Again! 莎賓娜,不要再結婚了!
19. Modern Tragedy Epilogue 摩登悲劇尾聲
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查看完整版本: 王若琳 - Modern Tragedy (2019)