imyourboss 发表于 5 天前

Released: 12 Eylül 2006
Copyright: ℗ 2006 Warner Records Inc.
1 iTunes Originals
2 Give It Away
3 Working With Rick Rubin
4 Fight Like a Brave
5 Power & Life & Purpose
6 Under the Bridge (iTunes Originals Version)
7 Sometimes You Just Know That It's It
8 Can't Stop
9 You Just Rocked With Your Brothers
10 Around the World (iTunes Originals Version)
11 Doing Your Own Stunts
12 By the Way
13 It's Everything
14 Can't Stop (iTunes Originals Version)
15 A Monstrously Large Rock Record
16 Dani California (iTunes Originals Version) ... pers/187113577?l=tr
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查看完整版本: Red Hot Chili Peppers - iTunes Originals (2006) (TeraBox)