Genre: Drama
Released: 1970
© 2009 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Plot Summary
A critically acclaimed film that won a total of eight 1970 Academy Awards (Including Best Picture), Patton is a riveting portrait of one of the 20th century's greatest military geniuses. One of it's Oscars went to George Patton, the only Allied general truly feared by the Nazis. Charismatic and Flamboyant, Patton designed his own uniforms, sported ivory-handled six-shooters, and believed he was a warrior in past lives. He outmanuevered Rommel in Africa, and after D-Day led his troops in an unstoppable campaign across Europe. But he was rebellious as well insight and poignancy, his own volatile personality was one enemy he could never defeat.
1943年3月,巴顿(乔治·C·斯科特 George C. Scott 饰)率美军在法属摩洛哥登陆后临危受命,担任美军在北非的第二军团长,性格强势、钟情古典文化又熟稔战史相信灵魂转世的巴顿很快用铁血律令扭转了北非部队的散漫风格,连番激战后与蒙哥马利统率的英军合力将“沙漠之狐”隆美尔赶出了北非。随后升任第7集团军司令的巴顿筹划占领西西里,战斗中巴顿抢在蒙哥马利之前连下军事重镇,立下赫赫战功的同时饱受非议,部下指责他用士兵的生命换取荣耀,在成功占领西西里后,巴顿因严厉训斥一位士兵遭到媒体的谴责,铁血将军只得公开道歉……然而长于战争的巴顿又迎来了新的重任……
第43届奥斯卡金像奖 (1971)
最佳影片 弗兰克·麦卡锡
最佳导演 富兰克林·沙夫纳
最佳男主角 乔治·C·斯科特
最佳原创剧本 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 / Edmund H. North
最佳摄影(提名) Fred J. Koenekamp
最佳剪辑 Hugh S. Fowler
最佳视觉效果(提名) Alex Weldon
最佳音响 Don J. Bassman / 道格拉斯·O·威廉姆斯
最佳美术指导 Gil Parrondo / Pierre-Louis Thévenet / Antonio Mateos / Urie McCleary
最佳原创配乐(提名) 杰瑞·高史密斯