Video Games: The Movie attempts to be the definitive documentary on this history of video games. With mountains of information and insight from fans, video game designers, and notable figures in the industry it goes deep into what video games where and what they are now. The issue is the topic is treated with such a light approach it comes off as a campaign ad for video games—one absent of criticism or captivating exploration. Video Games: The Movie certainly knows how to sell its product. The issue is the only people it’s selling to are already buying.
《VIDEO GAMES: THE MOVIE》是通过Kickstarter筹资制作的一部关于主机游戏历史的纪录片。这部纪录片包含了从《Pong》的制作人Allan Alcorn到“《潜龙谍影》系列”制作人小岛秀夫等诸多知名游戏从业人员的访谈及历史介绍。