jason 发表于 2016-4-17 21:57:17

Genre: Drama
Released: 2013
Plot Summary
This unique and explosive crime thriller follows six people over the course of seven days as they fight to make a name for themselves on the unforgiving streets of London. The characters struggle to survive the circles of violence that engulf each of them: ex-dealer Kirby, who has just been released from prison; thug Ed, who will stop at nothing to find his missing phone; troubled Michelle, who is just looking for her next hit; young Jake, who finds himself drawn to a local gang; Katya, who is desperately trying to escape her foreign surroundings; and Aaron, who is just trying to do the right thing. Directed by award-winning musician Plan B (Ben Drew), the film is a gripping experience laced with street-wise humor. A FilmBuff Presentation.
  在这个被枪火所控制的城市里,非法毒品交易帮派间一场看不见的战争正在激烈进行,而武装警*的参与,街道变成了战场。一个年轻女孩欠毒贩一笔 钱,为了偿债连夜沿街卖淫;一个屌丝决心要打破这种暴力循环的模式,最终要面对面解决邪恶的黑帮犯罪。故事平行聚焦在四位年轻人身上,以段落式短篇故事逐一串连,叙说他们如何在龙蛇杂处的Forest Gate Nicktime区(伦敦的一个贫民区),为自己的尊严和生命搏斗。
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ini 发表于 2016-4-18 01:40:43


insummerday 发表于 2017-1-4 20:05:19

页: [1]
查看完整版本: Ill Manors (1080p HD) [病态领土]