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[Classics/Documentary] Limelight (1080p HD) [聚光灯] |
Genre: Documentary Released: 2011 © 2011 Limelight Pictures LLC About the Movie As the owner of legendary hotspots like Limelight, Tunnel, Palladium, and Club USA, Peter Gatien was the undisputed king of the 1990s New York City club scene. The eye-patchsporting Ontario native built and oversaw a Manhattan empire that counted tens of thousands of patrons per night in its peak years, acting as a conduit for a culture that, for many, defined the image of an era in New York. Then years of legal battles and police pressure–spearheaded by Mayor Giuliani's determined crackdown on nightlife in the mid-’90s–led to Gatien’s eventual deportation to Canada and to the shuttering of his glitzy kingdom. TOMATOMETER 67% 导演: Billy Corben 类型: 纪录片 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 剧情简介 一部关于Peter Gatien(纽约传奇三大夜 总 会聚光灯"(片名),"隧道","守护神"的所有者)的电影.电影记录了他在20世纪80年代的崛起直到90年代的没落 在上个世纪八十年代,拥有并火爆经营着水银灯、隧道、智慧女神以及USA等夜店的彼得-加迪恩毫无疑问地成为无数夜店狂人眼中的俱乐部之王。在那个俱乐部生活刚刚兴起的年代里,这个来自安大略湖区的俱乐部之王,很快便在娱乐与时尚的最前沿之城纽约的曼哈顿区营建了属于他以及无数夜店狂人与行走在时尚前卫边缘的人们的俱乐部王国。每每夜幕降临,流行、朋克甚至一切热衷夜晚享乐的人们都汇聚于此,在几家俱乐部里享受并统治着这个国际大都市的疯狂夜晚。 但随着征服的干涉、法律的完善以及警方的压力,夜店狂人们的阵地逐渐被压制。到了九十年代中期,彼得-加迪恩不得不转战加拿大,重新复制自己辉煌的夜店王国…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/limelight/id497897647
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发表于 2018-3-4 23:29:55
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发表于 2018-3-4 23:29:55
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