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[Drama/Independent] Sister (Subtitled) (1080p HD) [山上的孩子] |
Studio: Adopt Films Genre: Drama Released: 2013 Copyright: © 2013 Adopt Films Languages Primary: French (Stereo) About the Movie Simon (Kacey Mottet Klein) lives with his older sister (Léa Seydoux) in a housing complex below a luxury Swiss ski resort. With his sister drifting in and out of jobs and relationships, twelve-year-old Simon takes on the responsibility of providing for the two of them. Every day, he takes the lift up to the opulent ski world above, stealing equipment from rich tourists to resell to the local kids down in the valley. He is able to keep their little family afloat with his small-time hustles and his sister is thankful for the money he brings in. But, when Simon partners with a crooked British seasonal worker, he begins to lose his boundaries, affecting his relationship with his sister and plummeting him into dangerous territory. TOMATOMETER 96% 导演: 乌苏拉·梅尔 编剧: 乌苏拉·梅尔 / Antoine Jaccoud / 吉尔·托兰 主演: 吉莲·安德森 / 蕾雅·赛杜 / 马丁·康普斯顿 / 约翰·利贝罗 / Kacey Mottet Klein / 更多... 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 法国 / 瑞士 语言: 法语 / 英语 上映日期: 2012-04-18(法国) 片长: 100分钟 剧情简介 每一天,12岁的西蒙都会跑到当地的山上玩耍,然后进到一间酒店中,在游客的背囊和酒店里找东西吃。他真正看中的是滑雪板,因为找到了滑雪板,就等于找到了钱。 在和酒店的工作人员的交谈中,人们得知西蒙的父母在一次车祸中丧生了,他只有一个姐姐路易斯,住在一栋小小的公寓中。他的姐姐根本不知道西蒙每天出门是要做什么,也不知道他是从哪里搞来的钱。他们之间的关系吸怪而又紧张。似乎随时都处在一触即发的边缘。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/sister-subtitled/id767698905
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