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[Drama/Independent] The Godfather Part II: The Coppola Restoration (1080p HD) [教父2] |
Genre: Drama Released: 1974 Plot Summary This brilliant companion piece to the original The Godfather continues the saga of two generations of successive power within the Corleone family. Coppola tells two stories in Part II: the roots and rise of a young Don Vito, played with uncanny ability by Robert De Niro, and the ascension of Michael (Al Pacino) as the new Don. Reassembling many of the talents who helped make The Godfather, Coppola has produced a movie of staggering magnitude and vision, and undeniably the best sequel ever made. Robert De Niro won an Oscar; the film received six Academy Awards, including Best Picture of 1974. 剧情简介 影片主要讲述第二代教父麦克·柯里昂(阿尔·帕西诺 饰)的奋斗历程,同时回忆了第一代教父维多·柯里昂(罗伯特·德尼罗 饰)创业的艰辛,反映了不同历史时期,两代教父的事业、家庭生活。 麦克为儿子托尼举行圣餐仪式和庆祝活动的当夜,麦克在家中遭到袭击,凶手被人灭口,面临接管家族事业以来的重重危机,麦克回忆起了父亲维多·柯里昂年轻时在美国的创业历程。 麦克一边调查袭击的真相,一边继续开展赌博、酒店等生意,和另一个黑帮人物海门罗斯斗智斗勇,不断扩大势力。 终于,麦克的不法行为引起了政府的关注,麦克受到一系列的指控;同时,麦克的家庭也遇到了危机,夫妻感情濒临破裂;而最让麦克痛心的,却是家族中,亲人的背叛。和第一代教父其乐融融的家庭生活比起来,麦克无疑很失败。 麦克怎么样面对事业、家庭的双重危机?为什么两代教父会有截然不同的家庭生活?让我们自己在影片中寻找答案 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... coppola/id289039042
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