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[Action/Adventure] Live Free or Die Hard (Unrated) (1080p HD) - iTunes Extras [虎胆龙威4 未分级 + 花絮]

发表于 2015-11-14 17:55:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Genre: Action & Adventure
Released: 2007
© 2007 Twentieth Century Fox
Plot Summary
Live Free or Die Hard gets real – with real action, real humor, and the reprise of a beloved and iconic character: John McClane (Bruce Willis). On the Fourth of July weekend, an attack on the vulnerable United States infrastructure begins to shut down the entire nation. The mysterious figure behind the scheme has figured out every modern angle… but he never figured on John McClane – the old-school "analog" fly in the "digital" ointment.
  某年7月4日,周末,正在休假的约翰•麦卡伦(布鲁斯•威利斯 饰)接到一个新任务:逮捕黑客马特•法莱尔(贾斯汀•朗 饰),然后送到FBI那里接受审讯。
  其实,事情并没有看上去那么简单:极端恐怖分子经过周密策划之后,准备利用黑客技术,在美国独立日当天让全美国的计算机系统集体瘫痪,从而达到他们控制全球的阴谋。而且,幕后黑手托马斯•加布里埃尔(提摩西•欧里芬特 饰)为了阻止麦卡伦插手这件事情,为他准备了一大堆机关障碍,其中包括绑架他的女儿露西。
https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... unrated/id279609666
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