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[Comedy/Holiday] Tammy (1080p HD) [塔米的旅行]

发表于 2015-12-13 03:51:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Genre: Comedy
Released: 2014
© 2014 New Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Plot Summary
Melissa McCarthy and Susan Sarandon star in this side splitting comedy. Tammy (McCarthy) is having a bad day. She's totaled her clunker car, gotten fired from her thankless job at a greasy burger joint, and instead of finding comfort at home, finds her husband getting comfortable with the neighbor in her own house. It's time to take her boom box and book it. The bad news is she's broke and without wheels. The worse news is her grandma, Pearl (Sarandon), is her only option-with a car, cash, and an itch to see Niagara Falls. Not exactly the escape Tammy had in mind. But on the road, with grandma riding shot gun, it may be just what Tammy needs.
  塔米(梅丽莎·麦卡西 Melissa McCarthy 饰)岁数不小,生活却越过越惨淡,一场意外让她失去了爱车,之后,在工作中又惨遭上司解雇。接二连三的打击和挫折让她心灰意冷,当她想要在丈夫身上寻求温暖和安慰时,却发现丈夫竟然有了情人,更让塔米崩溃的是,这位情人竟然就住在他们家隔壁。
  人生走入了死胡同,塔米感到走投无路,正当她陷入绝望之时,她的外婆帕尔(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)来到了塔米的身边。然而,帕尔的到来并没有给塔米带来快乐,因为帕尔是一个酗酒又粗鲁的老太太。帕尔让塔米带她去尼加拉瓜大瀑布旅行,就这样两人踏上了注定不会平静的旅途。
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