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[Drama/Independent] Rounders (1080p HD) [赌王之王]

发表于 2016-4-23 15:02:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Genre: Drama
Released: 1998
© Miramax
Plot Summary
Academy Award(R) winner Matt Damon (GOOD WILL HUNTING, Best Original Screenplay, 1997; THE BOURNE SUPREMACY) and Edward Norton (THE ITALIAN JOB) star in this story of passion, risk, and the extreme price of friendship! After losing a high-stakes card game, Mike (Damon) gives up gambling for law school and a fresh start with his girlfriend (Gretchen Mol -- CRADLE WILL ROCK). But then his best buddy (Norton) gets out of prison and in over his head with a ruthless card shark (John Malkovich -- BEING JOHN MALKOVICH). From there, Mike's strong sense of loyalty –- and the lure of the game -– draw him back to the tables in a game he cannot afford to lose! Also starring John Turturro (O BROTHER, WHERE ARE THOU?) and Oscar(R) winner Martin Landau (ED WOOD, Best Supporting Actor, 1994).
  迈克(马特•达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)是一个法律系二年级的学生,但他却因为一次跟赌场老板泰迪(约翰•马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)的赌博输掉了所有的积蓄。在朋友克尼什(约翰•特托罗 John Turturro 饰)劝慰下,迈克立下誓言,从此不碰赌博。不过,他还是在教授的牌局上露了一手,技惊四座。在接老朋友虫子(爱德华•诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)出狱的时候,迈克违背了自己的誓言,重出江湖。为了帮助虫子,他甚至延误了模拟法庭的实习。此后,女友乔发现了迈克涉赌的证据,与他分手,这令他非常沮丧。迈克在虫子的怂恿下,接连参与赌局。事后,却发现自己被虫子摆了一道,欠下了巨款。他找到虫子,后者在被逼之下吐露了实情:原来虫子被凶悍的债主逼得走投无路。为了友情,他接受了债主苛刻的条件,但是却陷入了更加艰难的困境……
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