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iTunes HD Movies - 正版电影 今日: 0|主题: 9220|排名: 3 

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公告: 论坛资源禁止转载和公开!!! - 微信群咨询 hoodoola 2019-5-7    
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Extended Edition) (1080p HD) - iTunes Extra - [售价 150 Gold] jason 2015-8-27 32903 laokuang55 7 天前
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Pacific Rim: Uprising (1080p HD) [环太平洋:雷霆再起] - [售价 150 Gold] jason 2018-6-11 82694 henryroy515 2024-3-26 16:57
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Avatar (Extended Collector's Edition) (1080p HD) [阿凡达 加长版] - [售价 160 Gold]  ...234 jason 2015-9-26 3136179 henryroy515 2024-3-25 22:22
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] The Matrix Trilogy (1080p HD) [黑客帝国 三部合集] - [售价 270 Gold]  ...2 jason 2015-10-24 179430 henryroy515 2024-3-24 20:22
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Interstellar (1080p HD) [星际穿越] - [售价 120 Gold]  ...23 jason 2015-7-23 2724868 henryroy515 2024-3-22 20:43
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (1080p HD) [星球大战7:原力觉醒] - [售价 150 Gold]  ...23 jason 2016-4-1 2223542 henryroy515 2024-3-10 21:13
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Contact (1080p HD) [超时空接触] - [售价 110 Gold] jason 2015-10-11 43532 152itunes 2023-10-21 01:15
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Star Trek Beyond (1080p HD) [星际迷航3:超越星辰] - [售价 130 Gold] jason 2016-10-5 84373 张小白 2023-9-12 22:15
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Star Trek (1080p HD) - iTunes Extras [星际迷航 + 花絮] - [售价 100 Gold] jason 2015-11-15 53011 张小白 2023-9-12 22:11
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Avengers: Age of Ultron (1080p HD) [复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元] - [售价 150 Gold]  ...23 jason 2015-9-26 2016774 yiyeyiguo 2023-6-29 08:10
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] The Martian (1080p HD) [火星救援] - [售价 150 Gold]  ...23 jason 2015-12-22 2014377 wangwei1653 2023-2-24 06:27
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Under the Skin (2014) (1080p HD) + (iTunes Extra) [皮囊之下 + 花絮] - [售价 120 Gold] jason 2016-1-8 32801 oppotnine 2022-8-24 21:30
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Blade Runner (The Final Cut) (1080p HD) [银翼杀手 (最终剪辑版)] - [售价 150 Gold] Hy_S 2020-4-27 12133 binhominato 2022-7-18 15:58
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Edward Scissorhands (1080p HD) [剪刀手爱德华] - [售价 100 Gold]  ...2 jason 2015-12-9 104636 152itunes 2022-1-10 12:32
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Constantine (1080p HD) [康斯坦丁] - [售价 100 Gold] jason 2015-12-1 93760 152itunes 2022-1-1 14:01
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] A.I. Artificial Intelligence (1080p HD) [人工智能] - [售价 250 Gold]  ...2 jason 2015-10-17 1114200 152itunes 2022-1-1 13:17
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Weathering With You (1080p HD) [天气之子] - [售价 100 Gold] jason 2020-11-24 62594 隐藏隐藏 2021-12-23 21:33
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] They Live (1080p HD) [极度空间] - [售价 100 Gold] jason 2020-11-28 12031 152itunes 2021-11-13 14:13
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Minor Premise (1080p HD) [小前提] - [售价 100 Gold] jason 2021-8-4 11309 wuwenkang 2021-9-23 09:19
预览 [Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Come True (1080p HD) [成真] - [售价 100 Gold] jason 2021-8-15 11355 wuwenkang 2021-8-23 10:36
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