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[Action/Adventure] 少年黄飞鸿之铁马骝 (1080p HD) [Iron Monkey] |
![]() Genre: Action & Adventure Released: 1993 About the Movie With sensational, nonstop martial arts excitement supplied by the acclaimed choreographer of THE MATRIX and CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON, IRON MONKEY is the spirited tale of a mysterious and mythical Chinese legend. In a desperate and unjust land, where government corruption rules the day, only one man -- known as the Iron Monkey -- has the courage to challenge the system and fight back. Under the shadow of night, in the silence before dawn, he fights to give hope to the poor and oppressed. Although no one knows his name or where he comes from, his heroism makes him a living legend to the people ... and a wanted man to the powers that be! Presented by Quentin Tarantino -- don't miss the exhilarating action adventure that critics everywhere have called one of the greatest martial arts films of all time! TOMATOMETER 90% ![]() 导演: 袁和平 编剧: 邓碧燕 / 刘大木 / 徐克 主演: 甄子丹 / 王静莹 / 于荣光 / 李辉 / 曾思敏 / 更多... 类型: 喜剧 / 动作 / 犯罪 / 武侠 / 古装 制片国家/地区: 香港 语言: 粤语 上映日期: 1993-09-03 片长: 90 分钟 / USA: 85 分钟 剧情简介 清朝末年,官吏贪腐,民不聊生,在浙江地方上,有一位蒙面侠士“铁猴子”,两年来劫富济贫,令卖官鬻爵的历任知府叫苦不迭。铁猴子在白天的身份是大夫杨天淳(于荣光 饰),杨大夫妙手仁心,深得乡邻爱戴。知府为抓捕铁猴子,不惜拷打众多不相干群众,路经此地的黄麒英(甄子丹 饰)、黄飞鸿父子不慎卷入其中,知府见黄麒英身手过人,扣押飞鸿要挟其捉拿铁猴子,黄麒英与铁猴子交手后惺惺相惜。不久朝廷钦差抵浙,听闻铁猴子“作乱”之举后施展大力金刚掌将其击伤,原来这钦差的真实身份是少林叛徒衍空(任世官 饰),身为少林弟子的黄麒英联合铁猴子,誓为少林清理门户。 3届香港电影金像奖 (1994) 最佳动作设计(提名) 袁信义 / 袁和平 / 袁祥仁 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/iron-monkey/id475587841
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