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[Kids & Family] Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Extended Version) - iTunes Extras |
![]() Genre: Kids & Family Released: 2001 © HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter Publishing Rights JKR. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone & Package Design 2001 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Plot Summary Based on the wildly popular book by J.K. Rowling, nominated for three Academy Awards and ranked third highest in total worldwide box-office! Harry Potter is a young boy who, on his eleventh birthday, discovers that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and has unique magical powers of his own. He is summoned from his dreary life as an unwanted child to become a student at Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he meets several friends who become his closest allies, and who help him solve the mystery of the Sorcerer's Stone! All-star cast includes Alan Rickman ("Galaxy Quest," "Dogma"); Oscar-nominated Richard Harris ("Gladiator," "Unforgiven"); Robbie Coltrane ("From Hell," "The World is Not Enough"); John Cleese ("Rat Race," TV's "Monty Python's Flying Circus"); Academy Award winner Maggie Smith ("Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood," "Gosford Park"); Daniel Radcliffe ("The Tailor of Panama"), Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. 哈利·波特与魔法石 加长版 + 花絮 剧情简介 哈利波特是一个孤儿,从小寄养在姨妈家,受尽欺凌。但就在哈利11岁生日的时候,他意外收到了霍格沃茨学院的入学通知书。哈利从该学院派来接他的巨人海格口中得知,这是一间魔法学院,并得知了自己的身世,原来哈利的父母都是伟大的魔法师,在对付伏地魔的战斗中双双献身,唯有哈利幸免于难。 哈利进入霍格沃茨后,表现出了超乎想象的飞行天赋,得到麦格教授的推荐进入了格兰芬多的魁地奇球队。另一方面,哈利发现霍格沃茨学院内有一股黑暗势力似乎在暗暗滋长,揭开谜团的关键就在有凶恶的三头犬守护的房间内。 哈利、罗恩和赫敏三个好朋友决定探个究竟。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... s-stone/id397999830
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