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[Series] HANNA, Season 1 (4K) [HDR10] [汉娜 第一季] [Amazon]








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Released: 2019
Genres: Action, Drama
Rated TV-MA
About the TV Show
In equal parts high-concept thriller and coming-of-age drama, HANNA follows the journey of an extraordinary young girl raised in the forest, as she evades the relentless pursuit of an off-book CIA agent and tries to unearth the truth behind who she is.
导演: 萨拉·阿迪纳·史密斯 / 安德斯·恩格斯特伦
编剧: 大卫·法尔
主演: 埃斯梅·科里德-米尔斯 / 米瑞·伊诺丝 / 乔尔·金纳曼 / 雷安妮·巴雷托 / 费利西安·朱特纳
类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 悬疑
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
首播: 2019-02-03(美国)
集数: 8
单集片长: 60分钟
  位于北极圈附近的冰原森林,生活着一对平凡却有着非凡身手的父女。父亲艾利克·海勒(乔尔·金纳曼 饰)曾是受雇于CIA的特工,在上世纪90年代活跃于东欧和中亚等地,具有丰富的经验。然而最终却因为某种原因,令他带着女儿汉娜隐居在这人类罕至的寒冷所在。经过十多年的艰苦磨练,汉娜(伊斯曼·葛雷德·迈尔斯 饰)终于成长为拥有广博知识和出色身手的战斗少女。某天,自认已做好准备的汉娜按下了父亲那台信号发射器,不久美国方面便收到消息。艾利克当年的联系人玛丽莎(米瑞·伊诺丝 饰)声称这个消失多年的特工掌握非常敏感的秘密,于是在她的主持下,一场居心叵测的围捕旋即展开。汉娜也已柔弱的身躯投入了血腥的战斗之中……
1. Forest
In a covert Romanian facility, Erik Heller evades security to rescue baby Hanna. 15 years on, father and daughter live deep in the Polish forest. Erik has trained Hanna to be an incredible killer and hunter. Yet, keen to grow beyond the boundaries of her isolated world, she begins to venture away from home. This attracts the attention of CIA agent Marissa Wiegler, who has hunted Hanna since birth.
2. Friend
Following her capture by Marissa’s men, Hanna must fight to escape from the Moroccan CIA facility and join Erik in Berlin. Along the way, she meets Sophie, a British teenager on holiday with her family, who gives Hanna her first proper taste of the real world and the thrill of adolescence. Yet despite this glimpse at normality, the threat of Marissa and her operatives is never far behind.
3. City
Hanna and Erik are reunited in Berlin, where they hide out with his old army friends and she learns more about her father’s past. However, Hanna continues to long for the normal life she glimpsed with Sophie and becomes increasingly frustrated at the restrictions her own father imposes on her. Sensing Marissa is closing in on them, Erik and his friends begin to prepare for an attack.
4. Father
Erik is holding Marissa prisoner, trying to negotiate a deal to get him and Hanna safely out of Berlin. Meanwhile Hanna hides out with Dieter and his family. Desperate to know more about what her father is up to, Hanna discovers a huge secret in her own past. As an escape plan begins to form, Marissa attempts to make her own.
5. Town
Still reeling from her revelations about Erik, Hanna hides out in suburban London with Sophie, who is keeping her new friend secret from her parents. Sophie persuades Hanna to attend a school party where Hanna experiences the thrill of a teenage crush for the first time. Meanwhile, Erik’s friends desperately try to save him from the life-threatening injuries he sustained fleeing capture.
6. Mother
Sophie and Hanna’s relationship begins to turn sour over their shared interest in Anton. In the fallout from this argument, Marissa arrives at Sophie’s house pretending to be Hanna’s mother. Hanna finds herself torn between endangering Sophie and her family, or giving up her own freedom and going with Marissa. Meanwhile, a captured Erik is brutally interrogated by Sawyer and his men.
7. Road
Realising that Hanna will no longer accept anything but the full truth, Erik takes her back to Romania so she can learn more about her past. Meanwhile, Marissa begins to sense that Sawyer has not been telling her the full truth about Utrax.
8. Utrax
When Erik reveals to Hanna the truth about Utrax, she is determined to take action. Meanwhile, Marissa attempts to find out from Sawyer what has really been going on at the facility.

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