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[Comedy/Holiday] Saved! (1080p HD) [高校六甲生] |
Genre: Comedy Released: 2004 © 2004 United Artists Films Inc. All Rights Reserved. About the Movie "Good girl" Mary and her domineering best friend, Hilary Faye, are starting their senior year at the top of the social food chain at American Eagle Christian High School - that is until Mary's boyfriend tells her he thinks he might be gay. When Jesus appears to her in a vision, she heeds his message to "do everything she can to help him" and, to her horror, she ends up pregnant. Suddenly, Mary begins to question everything she's believed in, and Hilary Faye and her devoted "disciples" turn against her. As an outcast, Mary finds herself alone until she's befriended by the school's other pariahs: Hilary Faye's cynical, wheelchair-bound brother, Roland; the principal's skater heartthrob son, Patrick; and the high school's lone Jew, an exuberant rebel named Cassandra. In this sweetly subversive comedy, a group of outsiders band together to navigate the treacherous halls of high school and make it to graduation, ultimately learning more about themselves, finding faith in unexpected places, and realizing what it truly means to be Saved!. 导演: Brian Dannelly 编剧: Brian Dannelly / Michael Urban 主演: Jena Malone / Mandy Moore / Macaulay Culkin / Patrick Fugit 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2004-12-16 片长: 92 分钟 剧情简介 无论是你亲手打破了信仰,还是别人逼迫你走出了信仰,你所需要的都是--救赎! 马丽(吉娜·马龙饰)是一个乖女孩,她信奉天主教,万能的上帝是她惟一的偶像。她最好的朋友希拉里·费伊(曼迪·摩尔饰)是一个跋扈专横的姑娘,她们因为共同的信仰而私交甚密,快快乐乐地开始了在"美国鹰天主高等学院"的最后一年。可是有那么一天,马丽的男朋友却突然向她坦诚自己喜欢的可能是男人……就在马丽苦恼不已的时候,上帝出现在她的幻觉中,希望她"尽一切努力去救赎自己的男友"--然而,更糟糕的事情还在后头呢,马丽发现自己怀了前男友的孩子,她现在可没空理会别人的"闲事",摆平自己的问题最重要。 曾经的好朋友弗伊在知道了马丽的苦恼后,转而和死党蒂尔(海瑟·马塔拉佐饰)想尽办法打压她。马丽开始质疑自己曾经认为理所当然的每一件事情,她就好像被放逐了一样,从未如此孤立无助过,直到几个学校里所谓的"三流学生"聚在她的身边,给了她本应该从好友那里得到的帮助。他们包括费伊那愤世嫉俗、需要用轮椅代步的哥哥罗兰(麦考利·克尔金饰),校长的儿子帕特里克(帕特里克·弗吉特饰)--一个着迷于滑板的小帅哥,以及在学校一直形单影只的犹太女孩卡珊德拉(伊娃·阿穆里饰)。这群被抛弃的"怪胎"刻意忽略掉基督学校的所有清规戒律,准备就这样混沌地熬到毕业的那一天……成长的过程总是甜蜜中透着苦涩,当马丽放弃了一切之后,却又在不经意间重拾背弃了自己的信仰,懂得了真正的"救赎"究竟意味着什么。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/saved!/id268379696
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