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[Classics/Documentary] Tabloid (1080p HD) [小报] |
Genre: Documentary Released: 2011 About the Movie Thirty years before the antics of Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears were regular gossip fodder, Miss Wyoming Joyce McKinney made her mark as a tabloid staple ne plus ultra. Morris follows the salacious adventures of this beauty queen with an IQ of 168 whose single-minded devotion to the man of her dreams leads her across the globe, into jail, and onto the front page. Joyce’s labyrinthine crusade for love takes her through a surreal world of kidnapping, manacled Mormons, risqué photography, magic underwear, and celestial sex—until her dream is finally realized in a cloning laboratory in Seoul, South Korea. By turns funny, strange, and disturbing, TABLOID is a vivid portrayal of a phenomenally driven woman whose romantic obsessions and delusions catapult her over the edge into scandal sheet notoriety and an unimaginable life. TOMATOMETER 91% 导演: 埃罗尔·莫里斯 主演: Kent Gavin 类型: 纪录片 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2011-07-15 片长: 88分钟 剧情简介 这是一个有趣、新奇、令人不安的故事,是对一个女人由于对浪漫的执着妄想而游走在生活边缘的生动描述。三十年前,当林赛-罗翰和小甜甜布兰妮的私生活还未成为人们茶余饭后的谈资,怀俄明州小姐乔伊斯-麦金尼已经是众多媒体竞相追逐的八卦对象。导演莫里斯的镜头跟随着这位选美皇后的经历揭开了她淫乱的旅程。乔伊斯金发碧眼、身材傲人,并拥有高达168的智商,可是她却将自己的青春奉献给错误的梦中情人——他带她走遍了大半个地球,也带她入狱,曝光了他们的性生活,让她上了各大小报的头版。乔伊斯复杂的爱情迷宫,让她犹如面对着一个超现实的世界,其中包括持枪绑架、摩门教徒、有伤风化的照片、魔术内衣和放荡的性生活等等,直到有一天她无止境的梦终于在韩国触礁…… 第24届芝加哥影评人协会奖 (2011) 最佳纪录片(提名) 第20届东南影评人协会奖 (2011) 最佳纪录片(提名) https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/tabloid/id469649623
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