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[Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Beowulf (2000) (1080p HD) [战狼] |
Studio: Lionsgate Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy Released: 2000 Languages Primary: English (Stereo) Accessibility CC: Closed captions refer to subtitles in the available language with addition of relevant nondialogue information. About the Movie Christopher Lambert (Mortal Kombat, Highlander) stars in this futuristic update of the classic poem written in 900 AD and set in a world of supernatural evil and inexplicable danger! Torn from a legend whose roots are buried in the mists of time, Beowulf is half man - half god. Living in a techno-futile world of the future, a medieval land where technology's secrets are locked away in a mute past, Beowulf fights his way through a besieging army and into a mysterious ominous castle on the edge of nowhere to face and evil within... a beastly spawn of man and demon named Grendel. Now he must fight to the death in order to quell the raging violence hidden deep in his own bedeviled soul! 导演: Graham Baker (I) 编剧: Anonymous / 戴维 查派 (David Chappe) / Mark Leahy (II) 类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 恐怖 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2000-08-11 片长: 95 分钟 / Argentina: 99 分钟 剧情简介 贝奥武夫是个半人半神的勇士,为了征服被邪魔附身的内在狂爆野性,他必须不断与恶魔抗争。他冲破重重包围,来到一个神秘险恶的城堡,在此地迎接他的宿命…… 这城堡中住着堡主罗斯卡和他美丽的女儿凯拉。这座城堡深受恐惧包围:外面有敌人环伺,城堡内则被邪魔葛兰道侵占,它是由恶魔及人类共生的凶残后代,他每晚利用城堡墙上的猎捕陷阱,捕抓人类作为牺牲品。 贝奥武夫为了拯救自己的灵魂,及城堡内千万人的性命,与恶魔葛兰道做殊死战,帮助城堡里的人抵抗恶魔…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/beowulf-2000/id728074191
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