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[Action/Adventure] Togo (4K) [Dolby Vision] [多哥] [Disney+] |
Adventure · 2019 · PG UHD · Dolby Vision · Dolby Atmos About “Togo” is the untold true story set in the winter of 1925 that takes you across the treacherous terrain of the Alaskan tundra for an exhilarating and uplifting adventure that will test the strength, courage and determination of one man, Leonhard Seppala, and his lead sled dog, Togo. When a deadly epidemic strikes the town of Nome, Alaska and the only cure is more than 600 miles away, the town looks to champion dogsled trainer Leonhard Seppala (Willem Dafoe) to help transport an antitoxin serum. Seppala turns to Togo, an unassuming, undersized and aging Siberian husky, to be his lead. His wife (Julianne Nicholson) has championed Togo since his days as a mischievous puppy who could dig himself out of any situation, literally and physically, and Seppala, having observed Togo’s loyalty and tenacious spirit, knows Togo offers his only chance of surviving this mission. Undaunted by the massive storm heading their way or pressure from his wife not to go, Seppala and Togo set out on the deadliest leg of what becomes a larger relay involving multiple mushers, facing gale force winds, 50 below zero temperatures and little to no visibility. It is an intense journey that causes the veteran musher to grasp the depth of his feelings for his lead dog and the unbreakable bond they share. Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers. Starring Willem Dafoe, Michael Greyeyes, Julianne Nicholson, Christopher Heyerdahl, Michael Gaston, Michael McElhatton, Jamie McShane, Shaun Benson, Steven McCarthy TOMATOMETER 92% 剧情简介 聚焦1925年雪橇手和雪橇犬齐心协力为拯救阿拉斯加州诺姆市孩子的性命而奔波于血清接力路上的事件,被称为“Great Race of Mercy”。本片将登陆迪士尼自家流媒体,2019年推出。 1924年年底,诺姆市一个2岁小孩生病,医生诊断其患有扁桃体炎,这种疾病通常不会有生命危险,然而这个小孩成为例外,接下来很多孩子都被诊断患上了扁桃体炎,有几个不幸离世,医生最终确认这种病症是白喉。当时有一种疫苗能够用来对付白喉,然后诺姆市的疫苗全部过期,新疫苗在港口关闭前却未能送达,来年6月波罗的海才会解冻,也没有公路直通诺姆市、没有飞机,唯一运输货物的通道是邮路,然而冬天只有雪橇犬能够通行。卫生局决定使用两组雪橇犬接力运输,20个雪橇手和150只雪橇犬必须日夜兼程,经过河流,跨过平原,穿过森林,穿越冰冻的阿拉斯加邮路。最近的疫苗所在地为南纳,距离诺姆市1085公里,一般情况下狗拉雪橇需要费时25日,而他们只花了5天半就成功完成接力,拯救了多名孩子的性命。 本片主角Togo是挪威赶雪橇高手Leonhard Seppala(达福饰)使用的其中一只领头犬,因机智、卓越的领导力和敏锐的直觉备受称赞。Seppala被委任传送这场接力中最危险的一段,从诺姆到奴拉托接收那批免疫血清,在零下30度、七级以上强风的环境下成功完成了任务。之后南极探险家Roald Amundsen为Togo颁发了一枚金牌。 获奖情况 第72届美国编剧工会奖 (2020) 电视奖 最佳原创剧本-长篇剧集(提名) 注: 1. 4K 杜比视界版本只能在兼容设备上播放,请谨慎下载
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