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[Comedy/Holiday] Son-in-Law (1080p HD) [宝贝新官人] |
Studio: Hollywood Pictures Genre: Comedy Released: 1993 Copyright: © 1993 Hollywood Pictures Company. All Rights Reserved. Languages Primary: English (Stereo) Additional: French (Subtitles, Stereo) Accessibility CC: Closed captions (CC) refer to subtitles in the available language with the addition of relevant non-dialogue information. About the Movie Middle America will never be the same when comedian Pauly Shore travels to the Midwest and becomes the SON-IN-LAW. Shore stars as Crawl, L.A.'s funkiest college student, who's hilariously out of his element when he spends Thanksgiving at the family farm of a straitlaced college co-ed (Carla Gugino). Crawl's unlike anything the Midwesterners have ever seen -- outside the barn that is! But before long, Crawl's plowing his way into their hearts with his outrageous antics and offbeat attempts at farming. Get ready for a truckload of laughs and a half-ton of hysteria with this totally irreverent comedy! TOMATOMETER 21% 导演: Steve Rash 主演: Pauly Shore / Carla Gugino / Lane Smith / Cindy Pickett / Mason Adams / 更多... 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 1993-07-02 片长: 95 分钟 剧情简介 高中毕业的丽贝卡来到加州上大学,初来乍到,单纯的丽贝卡对眼前的一切应接不暇,准备打退堂鼓回家去,但在宿舍邻居克劳尔的鼓励下终于适应了新环境。感恩节到来,丽贝卡带克劳尔一起回了家,处处标新立异的克劳尔引来了众人的侧目,但克劳尔却以他的幽默和快乐征服了大家,这时,爱情也悄悄降临到丽贝卡和克劳尔身上。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/son-in-law/id492130815
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