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[Kids & Family] Toy Story (720p HD) [玩具总动员] |
Genre: Kids & Family Released: 1995 © Disney Plot Summary Set in a world where toys have a life of their own when people are not present, Toy Story takes moviegoers on a fantastic fun-filled journey, viewed mostly through the eyes of two rival toys - Woody (Tom Hanks), a pull-string talking cowboy, and Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), a superhero space action-figure. The comically-mismatched duo eventually learn to put aside their differences when circumstances separate them from their owner, Andy, and they find themselves on a hilarious adventure-filled mission where the only way they can survive is to form an uneasy alliance. Toy Story was the first full-length motion picture to be created entirely through the use of computer animation. 剧情简介 小主人家境富裕,拥有一屋的玩具。其中他最爱的是牛仔玩偶胡迪,胡迪因此成为众玩具的“老大”。当小主人出门在外时,一屋的玩具自成世界,过着自己的生活。一天,小主人带回了一个新的玩意:太空战警巴斯光年。巴斯光年长相新奇,功能先进,令小主人爱不释手,威胁到了胡迪的地位。胡迪千方百计要赶走巴斯,一不小心二人一起掉出了房间窗口外,邻居的恶狗在狂吠,邻居的小孩是一个玩具虐待狂,胡迪巴斯能不能化敌为友,消灾解难? https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/toy-story/id188703840
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发表于 2018-6-30 12:08:35
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发表于 2024-1-17 11:51:17
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