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[Drama/Independent] The Iron Lady (1080p HD) [铁娘子:坚固柔情]

发表于 2015-10-22 00:35:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Genre: Drama
Released: 2011
Plot Summary
Meryl Streep (IT'S COMPLICATED, DOUBT, MAMMA MIA!) gives an OSCAR®-winning performance as Margaret Thatcher in this surprising and intimate portrait of the first and only female Prime Minster of the United Kingdom. Smashing through the barriers of gender and class, Thatcher is arguably one of the 20th century's most influential women. THE IRON LADY weaves the intricacies of Thatcher's personal life with her policy decisions, focusing on the price that she paid for power.
  耄耋之年的撒切尔夫人(梅丽尔•斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)罹患老年痴呆症,时常在幻觉和回忆中切换。她感觉深爱的丈夫一直在身边陪伴,其实后者早已亡故。她作为杂货店的女儿,因为出身贫寒,时常饱受世人的白眼。然而,在聆听了保守党的演讲后,她坚定了自己的政治信仰,并以优异成绩考入牛津大学,虽然在一次议员选举中落败,但是她却收获了真挚的爱情与他相伴,坚定了自己从政的人生道路。从此,她逐渐走到了保守党魁的位置。终于,保守党在选举中大胜,而她也成为了英国历史上第一位女首相,组建了自己的内阁政府。面对纷繁复杂的国际国内局势,她力主的自由市场政策也饱受非议,但是她用过人的智慧和超强的忍耐力,战胜了左辅右弼众叛亲离的局面,凭一己之力拯救了英国经济,捍卫了领土主权,被世人称作铁娘子……
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