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[Drama/Independent] An Education (1080p HD) [成长教育] |
Genre: Drama Released: 2010 © 2009 An Education Distribution Limited. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary A suburban London teen finds her traditional education replaced by something slightly more sinister when an older, more worldly suitor sweeps her off of her feet while placing her future in jeopardy. London, 1961: 16-year-old Jenny (Carey Mulligan) is smart, attractive, and eager to start her adult life. She's grown tired of the familiar adolescent routine, so when urbane newcomer David (Peter Sarsgaard) appears in town, Jenny senses a rare opportunity to shake things up a bit. Quickly falling under David's spell, the impressionable Jenny begins accompanying her newfound beau to classical concerts, art auctions, crowded pubs, and dinners that stretch into the small hours of the night. But Jenny is brighter than most kids her age, and her parents always dreamt of getting their exceptional daughter into Oxford. These days it seems like she's headed in a different direction — will David ultimately be her undoing, or the person who helps her finally realize her true potential? 剧情简介 本片根据英国星期日泰晤士报记者琳·巴贝尔(Lynn Barber)的回忆录改编。1961年,16岁的少女珍妮(凯瑞·穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)对父母反复督促她学好拉丁文考上牛津的唠叨不厌其烦,而正在追求自己的男孩又不令父亲杰克(阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳 Alf red Molina 饰)满意。一个雨天,珍妮邂逅了成熟男人大卫(彼得·萨斯加德 Peter Sarsgaard 饰),对方的风流倜傥和举手投足的迷人气质深深吸引了珍妮。大卫和朋友不断带珍妮出入高档酒吧、艺术品拍卖行和高级餐厅,甚至说服珍妮的父母带她游览梦寐以求的巴黎。灯红酒绿中珍妮迅速坠入爱河,只可惜事实真相却并非梦想中那样美好…… 本片获2009年圣丹斯电影节观众选择奖和摄影奖,被提名剧情片陪审团大奖,并获2009年金球奖最佳女主角提名(凯瑞·穆里根)和奥斯卡最佳电影、最佳女主角(凯瑞·穆里根)和最佳改编剧本三项提名。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/an-education/id358938504
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