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[Drama/Independent] To Kill a Mockingbird (1080p HD) [杀死一只知更鸟] |
Genre: Drama Released: 1962 © 1963 Pakula-Mulligan Productions, Inc. & Brentwood Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary Gregory Peck won an Oscar® for his brilliant performance as the Southern lawyer who defends a black man accused of rape in this film version of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. The way in which it captures a time, a place, and above all, a mood, makes this film a masterpiece. The setting is a dusty Southern town during the Depression. A white woman accuses a black man of rape. Though he is obviously innocent, the outcome of his trial is such a foregone conclusion that no lawyer will step forward to defend him – except Peck, the town's most distinguished citizen. His compassionate defense costs him many friendships but earns him the respect and admiration of his two motherless children. 剧情简介 美国南部的梅岗镇上住着父亲芬奇(格利高里·派克 Gregory Peck 饰)和他的一对儿女。尽管妻子已经亡故,一家人仍过得乐也融融,芬奇对儿女亦既严格又疼爱有加。父亲平时还对他们说过,不要杀死为人类唱歌的知更鸟,因为她们善良而从不伤害人。 芬奇除了是一个慈父,还是当地一名勇于伸张正义的律师。这天他接到一宗强奸案,被告是黑人罗宾逊(布洛克·皮特Brock Peters 饰),而受害者是一名白人女子。这样一个案件,在那个种族歧视相当严重的年代,罗宾逊的境况堪忧。即使芬奇找到了他没有犯罪的证据,也不足以让人们抛开种族成见。芬奇在法庭上奋力维护事实和法律的公正,然而却没能阻止人们根深蒂固的偏见。更糟糕的是,怀有种族偏见的白人已经把芬奇当作公敌,而罗宾逊也无法洗清罪名,更可悲的命运在等待着他。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... ingbird/id283068031
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