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[Kids & Family] Alice In Wonderland (1951) (1080p HD) - iTunes Extras [爱丽丝梦游仙境 + 花絮] |
Genre: Kids & Family Released: 1951 © Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Plot Summary Experience the magic and majesty of this ultimate collector's dream. Featuring Disney Enhanced Home Theater Mix, this remarkable digital restoration boasts pristine sound and unparalleled picture quality. Join Alice as she chases the White Rabbit and journeys into a topsy-turvy world that gets "curiouser and curiouser" as her fantastical adventures unfold. Meet the Mad Hatter, March Hare, Tweedledee & Tweedledum, the Cheshire Cat, the Queen of Hearts and more unforgettable characters, all set against a backdrop of awe-inspiring splendor. 剧情简介 金发碧眼的小女孩爱丽丝(Kathryn Beaumont 配音)天生爱幻想,枯燥且没有图画的书籍最令她烦恼。这一天,爱丽丝在野外看见一只穿衣戴帽、匆匆赶路的兔子。出于好奇,她跟着兔子钻进了一个树洞,继而掉落到一片未知的奇幻世界。在这里,爱丽丝的身形忽大忽小,还遇见了搞怪 的双胞胎兄弟弹弹丁和弹弹当、癫狂无比的疯帽匠(Ed Wynn 配音)和三月兔(Jerry Colonna 配音)、以及来无影去无踪的妙妙猫,由此引出了不少的笑话和奇遇。当然,最令爱丽丝感兴趣的还是那只慌里慌张赶路的兔子。在它的引领下,爱丽丝来到了红心皇后的城堡,更大的冒险等待着她…… 本片根据英国作家路易斯·卡罗的同名原著改编。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... nd-1951/id412102121
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发表于 2018-4-30 16:56:05
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