2022| 1
[Thriller/Horror] Saw II (1080p HD) [电锯惊魂:重生] |
Genre: Horror Released: 2006 © 2005 Lions Gate Films Inc. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary Jigsaw, the diabolical criminal who captured the imagination of horror fans in the 2004 hit Saw, returns in this equally bloody sequel. Eric Matthews (Donnie Wahlberg) is a police detective who, after discovering the aftermath of a particularly gruesome murder, is convinced that Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) is up to his ugly tricks again. Matthews' hunch turns out to be correct, but the master criminal proves to be disconcertingly easy to capture. As it happens, Jigsaw is eager to be put behind bars in order to throw the authorities off his trail as he once again punishes people who in his eyes have transgressed the boundaries of acceptable moral behavior. But instead of trapping two people in a filthy dungeon where they must engage in a terrible contest in order to win their freedom, eight people have been locked away by Jigsaw, and they must torture their bodies and minds to achieve the terrible justice Jigsaw seeks. Saw II was written by Leigh Whannell, who also scripted the first film. 剧情简介 惊心动魄的电锯惊魂,始于不易察觉的末端。残忍全知的审判者约翰,曾和我们一样是工业社会冰冷机器上的普通一环,他埋头努力工作,在枯燥中寻找生活的勇气。他屈服于懒惰,荒废情感与时间。同侪中有人生活美满,却厌倦了一切选择自杀。种种乱象让约翰迷茫,但毕竟找不到改编的借口。直到有一天,他的生命突然进入了倒计时,癌症晚期的死亡审判让约翰认真思考活着的意义,生命即将失去,他将目光放到别人身上。他废寝忘食,研习钻研各个学科的知识,与时间和死神争分夺秒,只为完成命运之神赋予他的“神圣使命”! 一切从这里开始,一切再也无法挽回…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/saw-ii/id253586485
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