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[Kids & Family] Brave (1080p HD) [勇敢传说] |
Genre: Kids & Family Released: 2012 © 2012 Disney/Pixar Plot Summary Pixar Animation Studios, the creator of Toy Story 3, whisks you away on an astonishing adventure to an ancient land full of mystery and tradition. Bursting with heart, unforgettable characters and Pixar's signature humor, Brave is incredible entertainment for the whole family. Take a heroic journey with Merida, a skilled archer and headstrong daughter of King Fergus and Queen Elinor. Determined to carve her own path in life, Merida defies an age-old custom sacred to the unruly and uproarious lords of the land. When Merida's actions inadvertently unleash chaos in the kingdom, she must harness all of her skills and resources – including her clever and mischievous triplet brothers – to undo a beastly curse before it's too late, and discover the meaning of true bravery. 剧情简介 长久以来,那些伟大的战争故事和魔幻的传说一直被人们口口相传,一代又一代,生生不息在这片延绵又神秘的苏格兰高地上。迪士尼∙皮克斯的又一诚意之作,勇敢的梅莉达抗争传统束缚,追求自由从而改变自己命运的瑰丽故事横空出世。梅莉达是佛格国王与艾莉诺皇后的长女,她是一名出色的弓箭手, 也有任性不羁,《勇敢传说》讲述的就是她的冒险故事。 为了走出自己的生活之路,梅莉达拒绝承袭对于3个部落首领(丁瓦、麦金、麦葛)来说神圣不可侵犯的古老传统。梅莉达的鲁莽给她的王国带去了混乱和灾难,当她向森林中的女巫寻求帮助的时候,女巫却实施了灾难性的魔咒。 接踵而来的灾难逼迫梅莉达使出浑身解术——包括自己的三胞胎弟弟们——来帮助她解除咒语,寻获勇气的真谛。 由马克∙安德鲁斯与布兰达∙查普联合执导,凯瑟琳∙萨拉斐安监制的这部《勇敢传说》,充满了伟大冒险传奇,打造出经典的人物角色,当然还有备受全球影迷期待的皮克斯式幽默。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/brave/id544101708
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