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[Drama/Independent] Rudy (1080p HD) [追梦赤子心] |
Genre: Drama Released: 1993 © 1993 TriStar Pictures, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary All his life, people have told Rudy he's not good enough, not smart enough, not big enough. But nothing can stop his impossible dream of playing football for Notre Dame. From the time he's a young boy, Rudy (Sean Astin) is determined to join the Fighting Irish. But his blue collar family only laughs at his ambitions - they know Rudy will follow his father and brothers to the local steel mill. And, for four long years after high school, he does just that. But some dreams won't die, as Rudy proves when he goes to heroic, occasionally hilarious, lengths to win admission to Notre Dame. Once there, he becomes a walk-on player, serving as little more than a human tackling dummy against the starting players. Bloodied but unbeaten, Rudy wins the respect of legendary coach Ara Parseghian and the other Irish players, who give him one shot at gridiron glory. An incredible true story from the creators of Hoosiers, Rudy is an unforgettable testament to the power of dreams and the triumph of the common man. 剧情简介 《Rudy》是改编自丹尼尔· 鲁迪的真人真事。 鲁迪(西恩·奥斯汀 Sean Astin 饰)全家都对橄榄球赛非常狂热,也是圣母大学队的忠实拥护者。高中毕业本想去圣母大学的鲁迪却因为成绩不好而放弃,毕业后进入了钢铁厂工作。22岁生日,好友送了他一件印有圣母大学字样的外套,并鼓励他去实现自己的梦想。好友在钢铁厂的意外死亡打击了鲁迪,他抛下了本已谈婚论嫁的女友,踏上了前往圣母大学的火车。进入大学以后,他学习、锻炼都格外刻苦,凭借顽强的斗志,被教练选入了校队的替补阵营,但他一直没有机会上场比赛。 终于在一场重要比赛的关键时刻替补出场,帮助球队拿下了比赛。出现在现场的父母和家人也兴奋不已。 1975年之后,圣母大学队再没有人被当场抬起。1976年,鲁迪从圣母大学毕业,他的5个弟弟也都上了大学,并顺利毕业。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/rudy/id277067420
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