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[Drama/Independent] Big Eyes (1080p HD) [大眼睛] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 2014 © 2014 Big Eyes SPV, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Customer Ratings Plot Summary From visionary Oscar®-nominated director Tim Burton (EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY) comes the outrageous true story of one of the most extensive art frauds in the 20th century. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Walter Keane (two time Academy Award®-winner Christoph Waltz of DJANGO UNCHAINED) revolutionized the commercialization of popular art with enigmatic paintings of waifs with big eyes. But soon the shocking truth was discovered: Walter's works were not painted by him at all, but by his wife Margaret (five time Oscar®-nominee Amy Adams of AMERICAN HUSTLE). BIG EYES focuses on the success of Margaret's paintings and her tumultuous relationship with her husband, who catapulted to international fame while taking credit for her work. Also starring Danny Huston (X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE), Krysten Ritter (TV's DON'T TRUST THE B---- IN APT. 23), Jason Schwartzman (MOONRISE KINGDOM), and Terence Stamp (THE ART OF THE STEAL). 剧情简介 《大眼睛》故事发生在上个世纪60年代,一种名为“大眼孩子”的插图流行起来。不久,其作者沃尔特·基恩遭到起诉,被指责盗取他人作品,而对方正是沃尔特的妻子玛格丽特。玛格丽特表示,大眼孩子的绘画原本出自她之手,性格内向的她每天在地下室里作画,而丈夫沃尔特仅仅是在画作下方签上自己的名字进行销售而已。最终二人婚姻破裂。事情闹上法庭后,法官让二人现场作画,沃尔特推三阻四,借口不断,最终版权案真相大白。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/big-eyes/id952389699
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