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[Comedy/Holiday] Billy Madison (1080p HD) [阿呆闯学堂] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 1995 © 1994 Universal City Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Plot Summary Adam Sandler stars as Billy Madison in the outrageous comedy where the subject is always fun. 27-year-old Billy Madison must repeat all 12 grades of school - in just 24 weeks - to earn his father’s respect and prove he has what it takes to run the family’s multi-million dollar empire. Along the way, Billy falls for his 3rd grade teacher (Bridgette Wilson), gets kicked out of school and must face-off with his nemesis…not to mention a pesky penguin. With hilarious appearances by Chris Farley, Norm MacDonald and Steve Buscemi, this comedy hit gets an A+ for laughs! 剧情简介 看着自己整天不务正业的儿子比利(亚当·桑德勒 Adam Sandler 饰),麦迪逊(达伦·麦克加文 Darren McGavin 饰)的内心十分的焦急,自己眼看着就要退休,而自家蒸蒸日上的酒店事业该如何放心交付到这样的浪子手上?为了激励比利,麦迪逊定下了一个奇怪的规定:除非比利能够在24周之内通过从小学一年级到高中三年级的所有考试,否则家族的产业就要交给副总裁艾瑞克(布莱德利·惠特福德 Bradley Whitford 饰)来管理,而据比利所知,艾瑞克是一个对待金钱虎视眈眈的伪君子,将家族产业交给他无异于是羊入虎口。 就这样,比利开始了自己的校园生活,除了繁重的课业和试验,比利还要面对来自于艾瑞克的恶意阻挠,当然,生性风流的他仍不忘与自己的美女教师发展出一段浪漫的师生情缘。当24周的期限来临时,比利能够顺利完成任务吗? https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/billy-madison/id279532350
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