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[Thriller/Horror] Wild Things (1080p HD) [玩尽杀绝] |
![]() Genre: Thriller Released: 1998 © 1998 Mandalay Entertainment All Rights Reserved Plot Summary This thriller takes place in Blue Bay, Florida, where social-climbing guidance counselor Sam Lombardo (Matt Dillon) is indifferent to teen-socialite Kelly Van Ryan (Denise Richards), who retaliates by accusing him of rape, an accusation that leads to his suspension by the school and a rejection from the country club. He can't afford a big attorney, so he hires shrewd Ken Bowden (Bill Murray), while Kelly's mom, Sandra Van Ryan (Theresa Russell), Sam's former lover, gets a platoon of top lawyers. Trailer-trash Suzie Toller (Neve Campbell) backs up Kelly's claim and additional plot twists and turns develop. The seldom-seen Carrie Snodgrass (Diary of a Mad Housewife) has a supporting role in this film. 剧情简介 这是一局环环紧扣的阴谋游戏。小镇上的中学教师萨姆(马特•狄龙 Matt Dillon 饰)这天为学生作完性主题的犯罪演讲后,女学生凯莉就溜进了他的房间,面对青春迷人的凯莉(丹妮丝•理查兹 Denise Richards 饰),萨姆惊得目瞪口呆。这一幕被凯莉的母亲桑德拉(泰莉莎•拉塞尔 Theresa Russell 饰)撞见了,她此前曾和萨姆有过风流的一夜。醋意大发的桑德拉以学校捐助人的身份要求校长将萨姆解职,萨姆因此糊里糊涂丢掉了工作。屋漏偏逢连夜雨,小镇上的一名女学生苏茜(内芙•坎贝尔 Neve Campbell 饰)突然控告萨姆强奸了自己,桑德拉出资聘请了有名的大律师状告萨姆。身无分文的萨姆请不起律师,虽然有贪财的保险人博登在庭上帮他辩护,但面对对方的资深律师,法庭的形势对萨姆十分不利。然而此时,事态有了新的转折! https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/wild-things/id270235680
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