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[Thriller/Horror] Clear and Present Danger (1080p HD) [燃眉追击]

发表于 2016-7-13 22:40:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Genre: Thriller
Released: 1994
© 1994 Paramount Pictures. Tous Droits Reserves. TM, & Copyright 2003 by Paramount Pictures. Tous Droits Rservs.
About the Movie
This is the third film based on Tom Clancy's high-tech espionage potboilers starring CIA deputy director Jack Ryan. Harrison Ford, returning to the Ryan role after his first go-round in 1992's Patriot Games, is assigned to a delicate anti-drug investigation after a close friend of the President (a Reaganesque Donald Moffat) is murdered by a Colombian drug cartel. When Ryan discovers that the President's wealthy friend was in league with the cartel, the President's devious national security adviser (Harris Yulin) and an ambitious CIA deputy director (Henry Czerny) send a secret paramilitary force into Colombia to wipe out the drug lords. The force is captured and then abandoned by the President's lackeys. It falls to Ryan to enter Colombia and rescue them, aided only by a renegade operative named Clark (Willem Dafoe), with both his life and career on the line.
  美国中情局干员杰克·雷恩(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)再次卷入一场错综复杂的贩毒战争之中。因前任陆军上将罹患癌症,雷恩被任命为CIA副局长一职,奉命调查美国总统友人遭毒贩谋杀事件。总统好友及其家人在睡梦中惨遭贩毒集团毒害,为查明真相,雷恩开始追查。然而,雷恩发现其好友居然与哥伦比亚贩毒团有染,不仅如此,总统也派出了一支秘密突击小组对付毒贩集团,并已前往消灭贩毒集团。不明真相的雷恩,不仅置身于利益纷争的国际政治阴谋之中,更陷入敌友难辨的两难之境。事态演变得愈发扑朔迷离,被蒙在鼓里的雷恩势要以身试险,一探究竟。
第67届奥斯卡金像奖  (1995)
最佳音响(提名) Art Rochester / 弗兰克·A·蒙塔诺 / Michael Herbick / Donald O. Mitchell
最佳音效剪辑(提名) Bruce Stambler / John Leveque
https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... -danger/id268768002
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