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[Thriller/Horror] Dark Passage (1947) (1080p HD) [逃狱雪冤] |
![]() Genre: Thriller Released: 1947 © Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. About the Movie Bogey's on the lam and Bacall's at his side in Dark Passage, Delmer Daves' stylish film-noir thriller that's the third of four films Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall made together. Bogart is Vincent Parry, a prison escapee framed for murder who emerges from plastic surgery with a new face. Bacall is Irene Jansen, Vincent's lone ally. In a supporting role, Agnes Moorehead portrays Madge, a venomous harpy who finds pleasure in the unhappiness of others. The chemistry of the leads is undeniable, and they augment it here with exceptional tenderness. Exceptional, too, are the atmospheric San Francisco locations and the imaginative camera work that shows Vincent's point of view - but not his face - until the bandages are removed. Lest Irene get ideas, the post-surgery Vincent tells her: "Don't change yours. I like it just as it is." So do we. 剧情简介 被指控杀害妻子的Parry(亨弗莱·鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart 饰)坚持他是无罪的,并在被押往狱中的路上逃跑,在路上他截了一辆过路的车,让司机载他去旧金山。然而司机认出他是罪犯,想要告发他。Parry将司机打晕后,在一个陌生女子Irene(劳伦·白考尔 Lauren Bacall 饰)帮助下躲过警察的追捕,来到Irene家中。原来Irene的父亲曾被误判杀死妻子而死在狱中,于是她一直在关注Parry的案件。Parry去找他的好友,路上的计程车司机也认出了他,并介绍他去一个整容医生。在医生那里,Parry接受了整容手术,然而等他回到他好友家中的时候,发现好友意外死亡。他顿时成了嫌疑人。背负两宗命案而“改头换面”的Parry能否沉冤得雪,真正的凶手又是谁? https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/dark-passage-1947/id290556131
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