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[Kids & Family] Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages (1080p HD) [宠物小精灵剧场版:光轮的超魔神胡巴] |
![]() Genre: Anime Released: 2015 © 2015 Pokémon. 1998-2015 PIKACHU PROJECT. All character names are trademarks of Nintendo. About the Movie In a desert city by the sea, Ash, Pikachu, and their friends meet the Mythical Pokémon Hoopa, who can summon all sorts of things—including people and Pokémon—through its magic rings. The little Mischief Pokémon likes to use this talent to play harmless tricks on people…but when its true power is released, it loses control and becomes the towering and terrifying Hoopa Unbound! Long ago, a brave hero stopped its rampage by confining its power in a special bottle. Now that the bottle has been rediscovered, Hoopa must confront its greatest fear! Can Ash help his new friend overcome the darkness within—or will this dangerous struggle erupt into a clash of legends? 剧情简介 一百年前,神奇宝贝们在沙漠之城的“迪沙陆市”爆发战争,遭到严重破坏,据说此战由一只神奇宝贝发端,但某人封印这只神奇宝贝,此都其后东山再起。 为了成为神奇宝贝大师,小智一行人继续着旅行。旅途中,他们到达了沙漠之中的神奇宝贝中心。正在吃着甜甜圈休息的时候,背后出现了谜之光轮。接着从光轮中伸出了手,夺走了甜甜圈,小智与皮卡丘紧紧抓住这只手,然后他们被吸入了光轮。就这样光轮消失了,留下了呆住的莎莉娜、希特隆和柚丽嘉…。 从光轮中飞出了小智与皮卡丘。小智对景色突然的变化感到困惑。远方可以看到很大的塔,小智与皮卡丘原来通过光轮,瞬间移动到了这次旅行的目的地迪沙陆市。两位就遇到来自阿尔刻之谷的少女玛黎,胡巴就开始使种东西“出现”。喜欢恶作剧的胡巴把小智和皮卡丘称呼为“小痴”和“皮喀”,不过他们之后成为好朋友。 抵达迪沙陆市时,小智他们跟玛黎的哥哥巴尔札相遇,他手上有一瓶壶,据说封印了那只神奇宝贝的“束缚之壶”,这瓶壶也开始撒发邪恶的气氛,然后就突然启封,一只拥有同样气氛的神奇宝贝出现!原始固拉多、原始盖欧卡、帝牙卢卡、帕路奇犽、骑拉帝纳和酋雷姆也都出现,城镇处于危险。 为了保护城市,胡巴以自己的光轮使更多传说中的神奇宝贝“出现”, 小智一行与胡巴以及那些能传说中的神奇宝贝够保护迪沙陆市吗?光轮有何种秘密的力量?这只神奇宝贝的正体是?小智、皮卡丘以及胡巴的冒险开始了! https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... -clash/id1072241611
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