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[Kids & Family] Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai (Dubbed) (1080p HD) [宠物小精灵:决战时空之塔] |
![]() Genre: Anime Released: 2008 About the Movie Ash may think he’s seen everything when it comes to Pokémon, but is he ready to face the mysterious Darkrai in this awesome adventure? On their way to a Pokémon Contest, our heroes pass through Alamos Town, home of the Time-Space Tower. Ash and his friends discover that something is causing terrible nightmares for Pokémon and people alike! The arrogant Baron Alberto immediately blames the Mythical Pokémon Darkrai…who then appears and confronts our heroes! Who is Darkrai? Is it a friend...or foe? As the sky tears above Alamos Town and the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia emerge, their ensuing battle threatens to rip a hole in the time-space continuum! Will Ash and his friends withstand this showdown and learn Darkrai’s true nature? 剧情简介 持续在世界各地进行修业之旅的小智(松本梨香 配音)、小刚(うえだゆうじ 配音)和小霞(豊口めぐみ 配音),历经长途跋涉终于来到了位于山谷丘陵处的目的地阿拉莫斯镇。小镇上耸立着象征时间与空间的时光之塔,新一轮的神奇宝贝竞赛将在塔的下方举行。小智一行走错了路,却由此结识当地的美丽女孩艾丽丝(加藤ローサ 配音)。紧张的战斗与快乐的游玩,却未察觉危险正悄悄逼进。小智遭到噩梦精灵达库莱伊的袭击,虽然达库莱伊被当地所有人讨厌,但是它似乎想将某种危险、恐怖的信息及时传给小智一行,关于时空之塔的秘密即将揭开…… 本片为神奇宝贝系列第十部电影剧场版。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... dubbed/id1070006110
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