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[Thriller/Horror] Hatchet II (1080p HD) [鬼斧魔差2] |
![]() Genre: Horror Released: 2010 © MPI Media Group 2010 About the Movie HATCHET II picks up right where the original Hatchet ends, as the quiet but resilient Marybeth (Danielle Harris, the Halloween franchise) barely escapes from the clutches of bayou maniac Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder, the Friday the 13th franchise), who has already slaughtered Marybeth’s family and an entire swamp boat full of New Orleans tourists. Upon learning her own family’s tie to Victor Crowley from local Louisiana charlatan Reverend Zombie (Tony Todd, the Candyman franchise), Marybeth returns to the swamp with a team of hired guns to exact her revenge, but quickly discovers that not even an army of hunters can stand up to the fury and bloodlust of the legendary Victor Crowley. 剧情简介 《冻劫》导演亚当格林,让利斧狂魔维克特再次现身大银幕,以超乎想像的残杀手法,挑战观众感官神经。此片在美国上映三天,随即遭到强制下片,在加拿大多个城市也遭受到禁演的命运。 维克特‧克罗利因为长相丑陋,自小就遭受别人的鄙视嘲弄,因此他决定要过着与世隔绝的生活,而和他的父亲隐居在沼泽区的小木屋里。 然而一场突如其来的火灾,让父亲在抢救维克特时却意外地以以手斧将他砍毙。因此克罗利家所在的沼泽区就如同被下了诅咒般,只要是误闯其中的人都会人间蒸发,居民则纷纷传言维克特阴魂不散,在深夜时还能听见他哭喊着要找他消失已久的父亲…,所以克罗利家附近一带成了众人回避的禁地。 另一方面,侥幸逃过利斧狂魔维克特砍杀的玛莉白(丹妮儿哈里斯饰),发现她自己和克罗利家族之间的孽缘,为破除之间的诅咒,玛莉白决定重返沼泽区要亲手将维克特送葬地狱…。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/hatchet-ii/id630156404
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