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[Drama/Independent] Giant (1956) (1080p HD) [巨人传] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 1956 © 1956 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved<CR> About the Movie Oscar-winner George Stevens ("Shane") won an Oscar for his direction of this legendary "stirring slice of Americana" (Variety) based on Edna Ferber's novel. Featuring an all-star cast including Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and James Dean, it's about a wealthy Texan who marries a strong-willed beautiful girl. Their adjustments to life on their ranch are interwoven with problems of Mexican workers and an ambitious young ranch hand who becomes an oil tycoon. One of the year's top box office releases! Recently selected by the prestigious American Film Institute as one of the 100 greatest American films of all time. 剧情简介 罗克·赫德森是个性温厚的德州牧场主人,他从东部娶了漂亮的伊丽莎白·泰勒回来。詹姆斯·迪恩是个个性倔强的长工,却渐渐暗恋上这个女主人。后来他获赠一块荒地自行开垦,不料因挖出石油而成为富甲一方的石油大亨。直至下一代成长起来,他跟罗克的家族仍然纠缠不清,因为他无法用金钱弥补内心的空虚。 第29届奥斯卡金像奖 (1957) 最佳影片(提名) Henry Ginsberg / 乔治·史蒂文斯 最佳导演 乔治·史蒂文斯 最佳男主角(提名) 詹姆斯·迪恩 / 罗克·赫德森 最佳女配角(提名) 梅赛德丝·麦坎布雷奇 最佳改编剧本(提名) Ivan Moffat / Fred Guiol 最佳剪辑(提名) 威廉·霍恩贝克 / Fred Bohanan / Philip W. Anderson 彩色片最佳艺术指导和布景(提名) Ralph S. Hurst / Boris Leven 彩色片最佳服装设计(提名) Moss Mabry / Marjorie Best 剧情/喜剧片最佳配乐(提名) 迪米特里·迪奥姆金 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/giant-1956/id301054112
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