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[International/Foreign] Persepolis (1080p HD) [我在伊朗长大] |
![]() Genre: Foreign Released: 2007 © 2007 2.4.7. Films SAS and France 3 Cinema SAS. All Rights Reserved. About the Movie The coming-of-age story of a precocious and outspoken young Iranian girl that begins during the Islamic Revolution. We meet nine-year-old Marjane when the fundamentalists first take power, forcing the veil on women and imprisoning thousands. The story then follows her as she cleverly outsmarts the "social guardians" and discovers punk, ABBA and Iron Maiden, while living with the terror of government persecution and the Iran/Iraq war. Then Marjane's journey moves on to Austria where, as a teenager, her parents send her to school in fear for her safety and she has to combat being equated with the religious fundamentalism and extremism she fled her country to escape. Marjane eventually gains acceptance in Europe, but finds herself alone and horribly homesick, and returns to Iran to be with her family, though it means putting on the veil and living in a tyrannical society. After a difficult period of adjustment, she enters art school and marries, continuing to speak out against the hypocrisy she witnesses. At age twenty-four, she realizes that while she is deeply Iranian, she cannot live in Iran. She then makes the heartbreaking decision to leave her homeland for France, optimistic about her future, shaped indelibly by her past. 第80届奥斯卡金像奖 (2008) 最佳动画长片(提名) 玛嘉·莎塔琵 / 文森特·帕兰德 第60届戛纳电影节 (2007) 主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖(提名) 玛嘉·莎塔琵 / 文森特·帕兰德 主竞赛单元 评审团奖 玛嘉·莎塔琵 / 文森特·帕兰德 第65届金球奖 (2008) 电影类 最佳外语片(提名) 剧情简介 电影改编自伊朗女插画家Marjane Satrapi的同名漫画,以自传的形式讲述了自己的成长经历,反映了伊朗的社会变迁。 1979年之后,伊朗发起了伊斯兰教革命,社会动荡不安,革命的失败更使伊朗失去民主的希望,日渐保守,人民苦不堪言。九岁的Marjane早熟、敏感,她聪明地瞒过官方爪牙,迷上了西方朋克乐队和流行音乐,沉浸在自己的世界。 两伊战争爆发之后,伊朗的生活更加艰难,Marjane渐渐长大,越来越大胆的行为让父母担心不已,她14岁那年,被父母送到了奥地利上学。 在奥地利,Marjane身为一个伊朗人,不得不面对别人的歧视和自卑的情绪。当她终于克服了心理障碍,赢得大家认可的时候,爱情的伤痛和对家乡的思念,却使她决定回到父母身边。 此时的伊朗,依然经历着战火的洗礼,宗教对妇女生活的限制越发严苛,Marjane开始怀疑自己是否应该在这个充满专制的国度继续生活下去。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/persepolis/id520838661
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