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[Romance/Urban] The Bounty Hunter (1080p HD) [赏金猎手] |
![]() Genre: Romance Released: 2010 © 2010 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. and Beverly Blvd LLC. All Rights Reserved. About the Movie Milo Boyd (Gerard Butler), a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, gets his dream job when he is assigned to track down his bail-jumping ex-wife, reporter Nicole Hurly (Jennifer Aniston). He thinks all that's ahead is an easy payday, but when Nicole gives him the slip so she can chase a lead on a murder cover-up, Milo realizes that nothing ever goes simply with him and Nicole. The exes continually one-up each other – until they find themselves on the run for their lives. They thought their promise to love, honor and obey was tough – staying alive is going to be a whole lot tougher. Andy Tennant (Hitch) directs. 导演: 安迪·坦纳特 编剧: Sarah Thorp 主演: 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 / 杰拉德·巴特勒 / 杰森·苏戴奇斯 / 亚当 罗斯 / 克里斯汀·芭伦斯基 / 更多... 类型: 喜剧 / 动作 / 爱情 / 犯罪 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 / Ukrainian 上映日期: 2010-03-19 片长: 110分钟 剧情简介 因沉迷赌博而负债累累的赏金猎手米洛·博伊德(杰拉德·巴特勒 Gerald Butler 饰)接到工作追捕自己的前妻,记者妮可·赫莉(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Anniston 饰)。妮可因追踪一件离奇自杀事件,错过自己袭警交通案的出庭而被法院通缉。对自杀事件内情紧追不舍的她想尽了一切办法逃跑,使得本来就因彼此憎恨而离婚的两人关系更加糟糕,直到有神秘杀手突然出现要至妮可于死地。米洛这才发现自己对妮可一直不能忘情。为了保护妮可的安全,米洛带她来到了二人当初渡蜜月的“丘比特庄园”,前尘往事涌上心头,二人也都对是否应重续前缘而举棋不定。与此同时,米洛的赌债和妮可的调查只将情况搞得更加复杂…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/the-bounty-hunter/id368442740
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