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[Comedy/Holiday] The Mexican (1080p HD) [墨西哥人] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 2001 © 2000 DreamWorks LLC and Pistolero Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved About the Movie Jerry Welbach (Brad Pitt) is a low-level Mafia "mechanic" whose ineptitude is countered by frequent (but unpredictable) bursts of dumb luck. Jerry's girlfriend Samantha (Julia Roberts) wants him to get out of the business, and after his latest blunder lands capo Arnold Margolese (Gene Hackman) in jail, so does mid-level crime kingpin Bernie Nayman (Bob Balaban). But Bernie insists that Jerry do one last errand for the mob before they let him find employment elsewhere — he has to go to Mexico and recover a rare and very valuable pistol, which is said to be cursed. While Samantha objects to Jerry taking the assignment, he isn't in much of a position to argue; Jerry heads south of the border, while Samantha, in a huff, sets out for Las Vegas. Once in Mexico, Jerry finds the pistol easily enough, but making his way back to the States proves to be an unexpected challenge. Meanwhile, Jerry's superiors want insurance that he'll return with the goods, so they hire Leroy (James Gandolfini), a hitman, to kidnap Samantha and hold her hostage until Jerry comes back. 导演: 戈尔·维宾斯基 编剧: J.H·惠曼 主演: 布拉德·皮特 / 朱莉娅·罗伯茨 / 詹姆斯·甘多菲尼 / 鲍勃·巴拉班 / J·K·西蒙斯 类型: 喜剧 / 动作 / 爱情 / 犯罪 / 冒险 官方网站: http://themexican.cannery.com/ 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 / 西班牙语 上映日期: 2001-04-26 片长: 123 分钟 剧情简介 “墨西哥人”不是人,而是一把古董手枪。附带在它身上有一个传说,故事的悲剧收场,让这把枪沾上了凶险的不祥之兆。每个持有它的人,都会遭来不测。 如今,小混混杰瑞(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt饰)面临着抉择:要么接过黑帮大佬的任务,远赴墨西哥把这支枪找回来;要么乖乖地听漂亮女友萨蔓莎(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts饰)的话,和黑道断绝来往,做回一个光明正大的人。当然,得罪黑帮无异于惹火烧身,杰瑞再三考虑,还是决定把“墨西哥人”寻回,干完这桩事情就金盘洗手。 风尘仆仆的赶到墨西哥后,杰瑞在异乡经历着曲折的寻枪过程。“墨西哥人”的神秘魔咒也渐渐浮现——萨蔓莎遭到了黑帮老大的绑架,以此来威胁杰瑞务必把枪完好带回。杰瑞的前路,面临着凶险的黑帮势力、手枪的古老魔咒,更有爱情的真谛等待他发现。 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/the-mexican/id296396973
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