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[Comedy/Holiday] Waking Ned Devine (1080p HD) [乐翻天] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 1999 © 1998 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. About the Movie In a small town in Ireland named Tulaigh More, one of the 52 inhabitants wins the lotto jackpot of nearly seven million pounds. When nobody claims the loot, the town goes on a search to find the winner. However, all they find is old Ned Devine dead, a smile on his face, clutching the winning ticket. In Ireland, the lottery winnings must be claimed by the purchaser, which puts the town in a spot -- if the lottery officials discover Devine dead, he, and the town of Tulaigh More, forfeit the money. Hilarity ensures when the community embarks on an outrageous scheme to claim the winning lotto ticket! But in the process, the townsfolk learn the importance of friendship and the true value of money. 导演: Kirk Jones (III) 编剧: Kirk Jones (III) 主演: 伊安·邦纳 / 大卫·凯利 / 菲奥纽拉·弗拉纳根 类型: 喜剧 制片国家/地区: 英国 / 爱尔兰 / 法国 / 美国 语言: 英语 / 拉丁语 / 爱尔兰盖尔语 上映日期: 1999-11-25 片长: 91分钟 剧情简介 杰克和麦克两人是一辈子的朋友,他们经常互相调侃恶作剧,他俩一直有一个梦想,就是能够得到全国乐透大奖。结果当乐透公司宣布得奖号码之后,杰克和麦克立刻发现大奖就落在这个爱尔兰的小镇上。可是经过平静的一夜,所有的居民都没有露出声色气氛相当诡谲。这时他们才突然发现一个叫奈德的老家伙一直都没出现,于是他们到他家查究竟,没想到却发现他竟然因兴奋过度暴毙在家中,手中还拿著中奖的彩券。杰克和麦克计划冒领这笔巨... https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/waking-ned-devine/id278222763
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