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[Classics/Documentary] Weiner (1080p HD) [韦纳] |
![]() Genre: Documentary Released: 2016 © 2016 AWD FILM LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. About the Movie Sexts, lies, and Carlos Danger: watch the wildest political meltdown in recent history as it unfolds. It's 2013 and Anthony Weiner -- still reeling from the sex scandal that ended his political career two years earlier -- is back in the spotlight as he mounts an audacious comeback campaign for New York City mayor. But it's not long before history repeats itself and new sexting allegations leave Weiner and his aides scrambling to contain the damage. Granted unfettered access to the candidate and his campaign, filmmakers Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg capture a jaw-dropping, behind-the-scenes look at the political machine as it breaks down. Winner of the 2016 Sundance Grand Jury Prize. 导演: Josh Kriegman / Elyse Steinberg 编剧: Josh Kriegman / Elyse Steinberg 类型: 纪录片 制片国家/地区: 美国 上映日期: 2016-01-24(圣丹斯电影节) / 2016-05-20(美国) 剧情简介 许多政治家都经历过政治生涯走下坡路的故事,但是很少有电影能够完全捕捉到像政客韦纳这种深刻且非常滑稽的一面。随着对安东尼·韦纳本人和他的家庭,以及他的纽约市长竞选团队的前所未有的采访,这部电影纪录了即将崩塌的政治事件。故事开始于前国会议员始料未及的重返政坛,但随着韦纳被迫承认新发色情短信的指控,故事又急转直下。媒体不停地挖掘和曝光他的一举一动,韦纳拼命想开拓进取,但是越来越大的压力和严重的24小时连续的新闻报道葬送了他的政治抱负。 韦纳的这场政治闹剧和个人的悲剧,揭露了前国会议员的傲慢,同时也批判了媒体对其家人攻击的丑陋一面。在纽约市这个响亮而热闹的大背景下,这部影片以一种无比坚定的、幽默而感伤的方式揭示出日益多见的政治运动的本质。 第32届圣丹斯电影节 (2016) 评审团大奖 纪录片(提名) https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/weiner/id1108353761
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