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[Thriller/Horror] Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth (1080p HD) [养鬼吃人3 ] |
![]() Genre: Horror Released: 1992 About the Movie Joey Summerskill is an ambitious TV reporter whose life is changed forever when she witnesses the horrific death of a tormented teenage boy, torn apart by bloody chains. Determined to find the truth behind this gruesome vision, she discovers the box, which opens the door to the Cenobites' demonic world of pleasure and pain. Once again Pinhead walks the Earth, creating a new army of Cenobites from the transmuted flesh of his victims. Pinhead’s one desire is to reclaim the box to be free from the powers of hell. 导演: 安东尼·希科克斯 主演: Terry Farrell / Paula Marshall / Kevin Bernhardt 类型: 恐怖 制片国家/地区: 美国 年份: 1992 剧情简介 女记者乔伊目赌一桩铁链杀人惨案,决心要查出真相,而调查途中又牵扯出了针头鬼欲复活并且将人间化为地狱的阴谋,眼看针头大开杀戒,乔伊能阻止他吗?而不断出现在乔伊梦中的神秘男子艾略特.史宾赛将会是打败针头的关键...? https://itunes.apple.com/us/movi ... n-earth/id566481230
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