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[Action/Adventure] RocknRolla (1080p HD) [摇滚黑帮] |
![]() Genre: Action & Adventure Released: 2009 © 2008 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. About the Movie A mobster from the old school, Lenny knows the right wheels to grease and has his hand on the throat of any bureaucrat, broker or gangster that matters. With one phone call, Lenny can make the red tape disappear. But as Lenny's right-hand man Archy (Mark Strong) tells him, London is ground zero for the changing times, with big-time mobsters from the East, hungry criminals from the streets, and everyone in-between, all vying to change the rules of commerce and crime. With millions up for grabs, all of London's criminal underworld conspires, colludes and collides with one another in an effort to take their cut. But as high rollers and petty criminals alike jockey for dominance, the true prize of one multi-million-dollar deal will fall into the hands of a junkie rock star (Toby Kebbell) - Lenny's stepson, presumed dead but very much alive. 导演: 盖·里奇 编剧: 盖·里奇 主演: 杰拉德·巴特勒 / 汤姆·威尔金森 / 坦迪·牛顿 / 马克·斯特朗 / 伊德里斯·艾尔巴 / 更多... 类型: 动作 / 惊悚 / 犯罪 制片国家/地区: 美国 / 英国 语言: 英语 / 俄语 上映日期: 2008-09-05(英国) 片长: 114 分钟 剧情简介 莱尼(汤姆•威尔金森 Tom Wilkinson 饰)是伦敦黑帮的头目,他手下有个得力干将艾奇(马克•斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)。莱尼曾经做套逼小流氓头二(杰拉德•巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)还债。结果,头二凭借情人史黛拉(桑迪•牛顿 Thandie Newton 饰)提供的情报,成功打劫,抢得巨款,还清了债务,并且一发而不可收拾…… 莱尼买通议员想进军房地产市场。为了重金担保,他从俄罗斯黑帮头目尤里(卡瑞尔•罗登 Karel Roden 饰)手中借来了一副名画。然而,这幅名画却不翼而飞。于是,一群人卷入了这场寻找名画的闹剧中,其中不乏有莱尼失散多年的儿子,盗卖皮草的毛贼,打不死的保镖,同性恋的律师等等。最后,在名画事件水落石出之时,黑帮最大告密者的身份也被揭穿…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/rocknrolla/id295601123
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