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[Drama/Independent] Far and Away (1080p HD) [大地雄心] |
![]() Genre: Drama Released: 1992 © 1992 Universal City Studios Inc. and Imagine Films Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. About the Movie Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman star in this critically-acclaimed romantic adventure from director Ron Howard. This breathtaking epic opens on the west coast of Ireland, 1892. Joseph Donelly (Cruise), a poor tenant farmer, is determined to bring justice to an oppressive landlord. Instead, he finds himself accompanying the landlord's daughter, Shannon (Kidman), to America in a quest for land. Arriving in Boston, Joseph finds a place for them to live while proving a natural at bare-fisted boxing. But his triumph is short-lived as he and Shannon are thrown out into the bitter cold. Joseph sets off for work on the railroad, until a passing wagon train reminds him of his original goal to possess his own land. Preparing to stake his claim in the new territory, he runs into Shannon who is unhappily reunited with her former fiance. In the excitement of the Oklahoma land rush, they realize their dreams of land and life together in this satisfying grand-scale adventure that WNCN Radio calls "Ron Howard's best film - a wondrous epic!" 导演: 朗·霍华德 编剧: Bob Dolman 主演: 汤姆·克鲁斯 / 妮可·基德曼 / 托马斯·吉布森 / 罗伯特·普罗斯基 类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 西部 / 冒险 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 1992-05-22 片长: 140 分钟 剧情简介 19世纪的爱尔兰,英俊健硕的佃户青年约瑟·多尼利(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)遭遇丧父之痛。为给父亲报仇,这个莽撞的青年决心杀死地主丹尼尔·克里斯迪(Robert Prosky 饰)。阴差阳错让他功败垂成,不过却因此邂逅了地主美丽的女儿夏莲(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)。与保守的父母不同,个性张扬却又娇贵单纯的夏莲一心离开故土,到外面闯荡天地。 偶然机缘,夏莲和约瑟结伴而逃,登上了开往美国的轮船。但是他们的旅途从一开始便充满了不幸,夏莲的家当被人或骗或抢,口袋空空。两人暂住波士顿大亨凯利管辖的破旧公寓里,娇傲的夏莲放下身段进工厂打工,而健壮的约瑟则靠打拳赚取营生。在此过程中,他们经历了人生的大起大落,彼此的心间也渐渐埋下爱情的种子…… https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/far-and-away/id316681385
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