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[Comedy/Holiday] Saving Silverman (1080p HD) [抢救疑情大兵] |
![]() Genre: Comedy Released: 2001 2001 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.-United States Of America, Canada, The Bahamas, Bermuda, Freeport & Nassau © 2001 Village Roadshow Films (BVI) Limited - All Other Territories About the Movie 2 Best Friends + 1 Girlfriend = WAR! Darren Silverman (Jason Biggs), Wayne Lefessier (Steve Zahn) and J.D. McNugent (Jack Black) have been best friends since the fifth grade. Enter Judith (Amanda Peet), a cold-hearted beauty who digs her claws into sweet-natured Darren. She snatches him from his friends and even breaks up their cover band. J.D. and Wayne try every imaginable scheme to save Darren - and their friendship - but fail miserably. When they find out Darren has been brainwashed into marrying Judith, the dim-witted duo decide to kidnap her and reunite Darren with his long-lost love, before she becomes a nun! 导演: 丹尼斯·杜根 编剧: Greg DePaul / Hank Nelken 类型: 喜剧 / 爱情 / 犯罪 制片国家/地区: 美国 / 澳大利亚 语言: 英语 / 泰语 上映日期: 2001-02-09 剧情简介 有一天一个叫达伦·希佛曼(杰森·比格斯饰)的男孩在一个不期的场合邂逅了一个叫茱迪丝(阿曼达·皮特)的漂亮女孩,她看起来正是达伦梦寐以求的那种女孩,于是达伦不可救药地爱上了她,并且信誓旦旦地说要娶她为妻,终身厮守。这件事可急坏了J.D.(杰克·布莱克饰)、厄尼(斯蒂夫·赞恩饰)。他们俩和达伦是三个从小玩到大的好兄弟,向来是有福同享、有难同当。这次正所谓当局者迷,旁观者清,在这两个朋友看来,茱迪丝根本就不能让达伦幸福,于是两人百般劝阻,无奈达伦就是鬼迷了心窍一般认定了非茱迪丝不娶。 难道要眼看着好朋友就这样交出终生幸福吗?于是J.D.和厄尼干脆一不做二不休,制订了一项“拯救希佛曼行动”,一边拼命撮合达伦和他学生时代的女朋友,一边竭力阻止茱迪丝出现在达伦面前,甚至绑架了茱迪丝,到了不惜一切手段的地步…… 这两个损友最后到底要怎样收场呢?达伦又会在两个女孩中选择谁呢?影片将给你们答案 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/saving-silverman/id281739051
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