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[Sci-Fi & Fantasy] Swamp Thing (1080p HD) [沼泽怪物] |
![]() Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy Released: 1982 © SWAMPFILMS, INC. About the Movie A spoof on the mad scientist films of the 1950s. Alice Cable is a government agent sent to replace a man who has disappeared while guarding a secret experimental lab in the middle of the Louisiana bayous. Cable is soon wooed by Dr. Alec Holland, who is working on a concoction that combines plant and animal cells. Arcane is the criminal mastermind who is trying to steal the secret recipe for the potion. When Arcane and his mercenaries break into the government camp, they kill Holland's sister Linda, and the scientist is accidentally doused with his own formula and bursts into flames, then dives into the swamp. Arcane's men pursue Cable, but she is rescued by a mysterious green man. It takes several rescues for her to understand that the Swamp Thing is Dr. Holland, transformed by his own formula. 导演: 韦斯·克雷文 编剧: 韦斯·克雷文 主演: 路易斯·乔丹 / 阿德里安娜·巴比欧 / 雷·怀斯 类型: 科幻 / 恐怖 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 1982-02-19 剧情简介 一名科学家在实验中不小心沾到了一种具有快速成长特性的化学液体,不久,他就变成了半人半兽的水怪。这时,野心分子也想获得这种具有快速成长特性的化学液体的秘密公式,他们遂派员追杀持有科学家记事本的电子专家。后来他们发现了这名科学家的下落,终于在沼泽区这帮野心分子跟科学家变成的水怪展开了决斗。这是一部滑稽可笑的科幻动作片,水怪的化妆和服装都显得愚笨而不能入信,对白亦平淡乏味,整部影片露出了低成本制作的粗糙感 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/swamp-thing/id295792699
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