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[Action/Adventure] 侠女 (1080p HD) [A Touch of Zen] |
![]() 导演: 胡金铨 编剧: 胡金铨 / 蒲松龄 主演: 徐枫 / 石隽 / 白鹰 / 田鹏 / 曹健 / 更多... 类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 武侠 / 古装 制片国家/地区: 台湾 / 香港 语言: 汉语普通话 上映日期: 1970-07-10(台湾) / 1971-11-18(香港) 片长: 179分钟 / 200分钟(上下集) 剧情简介 没落书生顾省斋(石隽 饰)在小镇经营字画铺“代写书信春联”过活,奉养家中老母,偶然结识了家附近废屯堡新搬来的杨之云(徐枫 饰),与其暗生情愫。恰逢东厂人士欧阳年(田鹏 饰)前来打探,其与附近算命瞎子(白鹰 饰)动手,被顾生与其母遇见,遂将受伤的算命瞎子就近带到杨之云处, 从而得知他们的真正身份——因弹劾宦官魏忠贤而被杖毙的左副都御史杨涟之女杨慧贞;保卫忠良之后的石门樵将军。因二人都被朝廷通缉,东厂追杀,顾生就此在屯堡设下重重计谋,又得高僧慧圆(乔宏 饰)帮助,以期摆脱东厂追兵,逃出生天。 电影根据蒲松龄《聊斋志异》中《侠女》一篇改编。 第28届戛纳电影节 (1975) 主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖(提名) 胡金铨 技术大奖 胡金铨 Genre: Foreign Released: 1971 © 1971 International Film Production About the Movie “Visionary” barely begins to describe this masterpiece of Chinese cinema and martial arts moviemaking. A Touch of Zen by King Hu depicts the journey of Yang (Hsu Feng), a fugitive noblewoman who seeks refuge in a remote, and allegedly haunted, village. The sanctuary she finds with a shy scholar and two aides in disguise is shattered when a nefarious swordsman uncovers her identity, pitting the four against legions of blade-wielding opponents. At once a wuxia film, the tale of a spiritual quest, and a study in human nature, A Touch of Zen is an unparalleled work in Hu’s formidable career and an epic of the highest order, characterized by breathtaking action choreography, stunning widescreen landscapes, and innovative editing. https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/a-touch-of-zen/id1126650024
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